September 9, 2006

  • Alright, now this could actually be pretty neat:  Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath

    Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath radiates a soothing soft glow. It's not quite
    bright enough to read – but hey, if all you're interested in is the Da Vinci
    Code – perhaps you'd better save it for a more appropriate night.

    minutes before you run your bath, just place your bottle in front of a bright
    light to charge the pigments. Before you know it, you'll be in a lather of

    Bet the grandkids would love it! 

    Oh!  Oh!  And by jingo, here's just the thing for getting Dmitry to haul his carcass out of bed in the morning:  Grenade Alarm

    Getting that grumbling snuffling bulk out from under the quilt covers in the
    morning is a challenge you shouldn't really have to deal with. Especially when
    the thing that emerges is inevitably grumpy and looks like a hung-over swamp

    Our Grenade Alarm makes the whole 'getting them out of bed'
    exercise a very simple and indeed, amusing operation. Looking like an
    old-fashioned comedy hand grenade, this alarm will wake up pretty much

    Simply pull the pin, yell an emphatic "fire in the hole", then
    lob the grenade into the sleeper's room. After about twenty seconds, a very
    annoying and piercingly loud noise will blast out.

    That oughta do it. 

Comments (5)

  • WHY don't they think of these things sooner??? Ian REALLY needs that.

    On the other hand, not good for a veteran!

  • Wonderful!!!! Where were these when we needed them???? Let me know how Dmitry does with the grenade alarm!! Ho de ho!!!

  • ok, that grenade thing,...that's just cool. ~K. The only prob. with the bubble bath is the radiation suit you have to wear all day after you have one! ha! ~K.

  • Where do you find these neat things? I really need one of those grenade alarms......

  • alerted me to the glow-in-the-dark bubble bath, and poking around the site selling it led me to the grenade.

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