June 8, 2006

  • Oh my goodness.  In a doubtless desperate bid for respectability, the always-good-for-a-stunned-silence religion of Scientology has decided to make a bold play for the hearts of Middle America.

    How?  Why, by sponsoring a Nascar automobile, of course.  (Hat tip: Middleageguy, who scooped me on this, darn him anyway.)

    As Sports Illustrated put it: Gentlemen, start your thetans

    The Church of Scientology, the religion for which actor Tom Cruise
    crusades, will attempt to spread its "Ignite Your Potential" message
    into auto racing through sponsorship of a race car in one of NASCAR's
    lowest levels.

    Kenton Gray, a 35-year-old Californian, will attempt to make the field
    for a late model race Saturday night at Irwindale (Calif.) Speedway.
    His No. 27 Ford Taurus will be sponsored by Bridge Publications, which
    publishes Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's bestseller "Dianetics."

    The hood of the car will say "Dianetics" on it, along with a volcano to mimic the book cover.

    Why, there's even a web site:  Dianetics Racing Team


    I will admit to admiring the neat volcano on the hood.