July 1, 2005

  • Found a driving behavior 53 times worse'n talking on a cell phone or
    being mildly schnockered, and that's driving while continually having
    your head twisted around to play peek-a-boo or otherwise entertain a
    small child in the back seat, glancing to the front every so often.

    I was behind a woman in a Beretta who did that as I was on my way to Tom Thumb just now,
    and believe me, it was unnerving.  She did it on Montgomery, she
    did it getting on the freeway, she did it while on the freeway.  As
    may be expected, her determination to provide entertainment for the kid
    in the back led to some mighty erratic driving . . . too slow followed
    by too fast, interspersed with drifting into other's lanes.

    What on earth gets into people? 

Comments (1)

  • Have you seen those ads that say "World's Most Dangerous Phone Booth" and "World's Most Dangerous Office" (then say "Just Drive.") I find myself thinking "World's Most Dangerous Cafeteria" as I reach to the backseat to hand a poppet some type of food or beverage. I am proud to say I've never played Peek A Boo while driving though!

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