January 21, 2005

  • My pal Heidi sent me this, which afforded me considerable amusement:

    It was October and the Indians on
    a remote reservation asked their new chief if the approaching winter
    would be cold or mild, but being a chief in a modern society he'd not
    been taught these old secrets.

    To be on the safe side he advised
    the tribe it was, indeed, going to be a cold winter, so everyone should
    collect firewood so as to be prepared.

    After a few days he had a
    brainstorm, calling the National Weather Service to ask, "Is the coming
    winter going to be cold?"  "It looks like this winter is going to
    be quite cold," replied the meteorologist.

    Armed with this information, the chief instructed his people to collect even more firewood.

    A week later he called the
    National Weather Service again.  "Does it still look to be a cold
    winter?" he anxiously inquired.  "Yes," came the response from the
    meteorologist, "it looks to be a very cold winter."

    This time the chief ordered the tribe to collect every bit of firewood they could find.

    Two weeks later, he again called
    the weather service, asking "Are you absolutely positive it's going to
    be a cold winter?"  "Absolutely!" he was assured.  "In fact,
    it's looking more and more as if it's going to be one of the coldest
    winters on record."

    "How can you be so sure?" asked the chief.

    The weatherman replied, "The Indians are collecting firewood like crazy!"


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