March 21, 2007

  • Aye carumba!

    People drive me insane, they really do.

    Charles was briefly in town for an unexpected visit (and that's all I'm going to say about that) so this morning we left for the airport, me in front and him following in the Skylark, which is kept at Jessica's house when he's away.

    There we were on Montgomery St. when up ahead a car hit a dog, which flew into the air, landed, then began spinning and twirling in pain, yelping and crying.  I could hear her cries from half a block away, windows closed and air conditioner on.

    Not only did the car that hit her drive on, but at least TWO other cars who were in front of me drove around the spinning, yelping animal, can you believe it?  The one who hit her might have been so horrified at what happened he or she just instinctively kept going, but what's the excuse of the witnesses who chose to drive around her and go on their merry way? 

    I pulled into the parking lot of the Bush and Bull, a pub, and she crawled over to me, poor thing.    She didn't snap or snarl, but let us pet and stroke her, even as Charles lifted her carefully into the back of the van.  He drove on to Jessica's to leave the car, while I took her to a nearby vet's office.  Just called him, and he said she's on an IV, receiving pain medication and antibiotics; she definitely has some pelvic damage but at least her back's not broken.  He might run x-rays this afternoon, but she's in so much pain it'll probably be tomorrow.

    Trouble is, of course, we can't spend a whole lot on her.  She's a sweet, sweet dog, though, clearly someone's pet (had on a red collar, though without any identifying info).  I guess I'll go take her photo tomorrow, make signs, and put them up in the neighborhood.

    BTW, I got Charles to the airport about 10:35....50 minutes before his flight left.  Hopefully that was sufficient time.

    Mercy Maud, if it's not one thing, it's another. 

Comments (4)

  • People are insensitive and sinful and just plain not very nice. And maybe they just didn't want to assume the cost of her care, as you so kindly have.

    I hope you find the owners. Think of some poor child missing her pet...

    Thanks for being so kind, Anne.

    Glad Charles got on his way.


  • It's a good thing you left so early!  Poor dog - I hope you find her owners.

  • Blessings on you for stopping and helping, Anne.  I hope the family can be found.  Too bad they let her run loose like that.

  • God bless you, Anne! How good of you to stop for her! And then she comes right up to you? I think I'm gonna cry! I saw your other post after this one and I'm so happy the owners were reunited with her. Poor girl! What a time she's had!

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