July 11, 2006

  • This afternoon was Bethie's cheerleading class, and the instructor kindly permitted Brianna to be a guest-participant:

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    Learning back bends, you see.  ;^)  Up above is Bethie, down below is Brianna.

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    instructor made the first steps toward teaching them to perform
    handstands, which entailed pushing themselves against a wall upside
    down; here's Brianna managing it:

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    A large part of the class is running in place, bunny hops, cartwheels, etc.:

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    so another generation of cheerleaders is born.  Tell you what,
    though....it's just not the same as it was when I was a young'un going
    to the Arlington Heights High School games with my friend, Susan. 
    Her sister, Barry, was a cheerleader, which gave us a definite caché at
    the stadium, or so we liked to believe.

    Mainly, I recall the cheerleaders actually leading cheers,
    if you can imagine such a thing.  You know, "Push 'em back, push
    'em back....WAAAAAYYY back!" and the like.  It was a lot of fun
    when the opposing sides would try to shout each other down.

    cheerleaders mostly just put on a show.  Not the same thing at
    all.  I'd think it's a little depressing for the players, not
    hearing raucous cheering from the stands, as the fans urge them on.

    [sigh]  Those were the days. 

Comments (6)

  • Looks like fantastic exercise!

  • I could never do a cartwheel - I hope Bethie is successful!

    About leading cheers vs performing - I haven't been to a game in so long that I didn't know about that! I too remember the crowd shouting the cheers. Remember pep rallies? I wonder if they still do those?

  • There was an article about this in my local paper just today. Included were some girls who participated both in their school squads, and touring competitive teams. They described the school cheering as being a completely different thing from the team cheering. "Cheer" ain't what it used to be, and I'm not sure it's a good thing.

  • They still have pep rallies (Alex and Charles, being in the band, played at them), but I don't think the students themselves were expected to participate much beyond clapping and general shouting of incoherencies.

    Alex? What were the pep rallies like? Am I wrong?

  • Your bunny hops link is missing the first "h" in "http".

    Gee - good thing you have me around to keep your links straight, right? ;)

  • Good thing, indeed, Moosie! I checked the other one and when it was okay didn't bother with the first. Dumb me! =8^o

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