March 17, 2006

  • OTOH, possibly Emily Hughes should twitch in her sleep, after all.  

    Had my second lesson with Laura this afternoon and darned if she didn't have me skating across the rink!  Okay, fine, it was across at the end so it wasn't as far as if I'd skated across the middle, but still....twice I skated from one side to the other

    She's such a good teacher.  e-ghost

Comments (7)

  • Elaine, I'm tellin' you, get thee to the skating rink and TAKE PHOTOS!

    Congrats, Anne - I'm happy you're having fun.

    But we do want photos...


  • First I need to figure out where the skating rink is. Shouldn't be too hard.

    Then I need to find out about the lesson BEFORE it happens, not on the blog afterwards.

    Once those requirements are met, you can be sure my camera and I will be there!

  • Oh, right, like I'm going to tell YOU now! =8^o

  • Way to go, Anne!   You know, there's such a thing as the Senior WINTER Olympics.  Go for it boldly!

  • The group lesson was a bit dispiriting on the whole. The four other ladies have careened past me, learning forward swizzles, backward swizzles, etc. while I'm still struggling with a basic forward stroke.

    Plus since skates have a heel, and I either go barefoot or wear flats, my shins hurt after a few minutes on the ice.

    Poor, whiny baby, that's me!

    One of my classmates suggested heel lifts to overcome that, another advised taking up walking, while Laura's urging me to spend some time wearing shoes with some sort of heel.

    A couple of the girls (for so they seem to me, being in their 20's and maybe very early 30's) kindly sat down either side of me while I was removing my skates, kindly encouraging me in my attempt to learn to skate, and assuring me how much they admire me for it. The sweet li'l chickaboos!

    I have the feeling I'm going to turn into something of a Class Project. ;^)

    When I'd begin to feel discouraged I'd remind myself I'm twice as old as them, and everyone knows the older one is the more difficult and lengthy a process it is to learn a new sport. So the odds are what they were doing today is what I'll be lucky to do by the end of the eight week session (which has five lessons to go).

    And that's okay.

  • Ok, Anne - make us a deal. Elaine can go to take photos when you're doing swizzles. I do like a swizzle.


  • I eagerly await the day I hear that you've succeeded in a crossover. That's the highest level I ever achieved.

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