July 23, 2010

  • Psalm 48
    1  Hallelujah!  Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise Him in the heights.
    2  Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts.
    3  Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you shining stars.
    4  Praise Him, highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens.
    5  Let them praise the name of the LORD, for He commanded and they were created.
    6  He set them in position forever and ever; He gave an order that will never pass away.
    7  Praise the LORD from the earth, all sea monsters and ocean depths,
    8  lightning and hail, snow and cloud, powerful wind that executes His command,
    9  mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars,
    10 wild animals and all cattle, creatures that crawl and flying birds,
    11 kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all judges of the earth,
    12 young men as well as young women, old and young together.
    13 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted.  His majesty covers heaven and earth.
    14 He has raised up a horn for His people, praise from all His godly ones, from the Israelites, the people close to Him.  Hallelujah!

    Surely it's impossible to see the fog-festooned mountains and crags and riverfalls and icebergs and not have one's soul rise up in praise of the Creator!  I've been awestruck for hours now, watching God's majesty and power on display in the terrain of Greenland, and the depth of Prince Christian Sound (up to 1200' deep in places).

    The ship sailed past a tiny community - same brightly painted houses - that is as isolated as isolated can be, and here came a couple of motorboats zooming out, with the men waving and one trying to stand and get a photo of the Maasdam.


    Earlier this morning I was out on the deck to see everything, but the chilly, wet weather sent me back inside to the cabin, where I've been enchanted to discover I can lay on the loveseat, pull the coffee table around in front of me, and read my bible and write my blog post while being simultaneously mesmerized by the astounding landscape.  Truth be told, it makes reading and writing difficult, as the passing landscape tends to grab and hold my attention.

    Finally peckishness drove me out of the cabin and up to the Lido deck to snag some lunch, and just as I filled my plate I looked to the portside and saw a stunning glacier!  All tables were taken, and there was I with a plate of food in my right hand, my camera in my right pocket, and a fabulous photo op sliding past.  Dumped the plate on a horizontal surface and got the shot.


    I've spent most of the afternoon in the cabin, transfixed by the scenery.  Waterfalls!  Glaciers!  Icebergs!  Ice fields!  How could one leave? 

    Tonight is another formal night, with an Ice Ball later, whatever that is.  Tomorrow's a sea day, then Iceland!



Comments (4)

  • Amazing!!! God's creation is so beautiful. Just a hint of His beauty and majesty.

    OK...quick question...Why do we live in Texas when there are beautiful places like that all over the world?

  • Because, Beth, they are wicked and insanely cold for all but three days per year. Wow, Anne, those shots of glaciers and ice and fog....something Nordic inside me wants to SINGLALALAALALAokayyyyit's time to shut UP. You're getting to see close up all the sights I keep FLYING over. SO frustrating to see all that stuff from 38K feet up....someone give me a parachute!!You'll remember this trip for a looooooong time to come!

  • The glaciers remind me of Alaska - they are so breath-taking! And your other shots are so amazing! How much fun, and how lucky to have a veranda! More fun to come....have a great time! :so-cool:

  • Anne, you're 4 days away from seeing Alesund, where my maternal grandfather came from!   I'm very excited!  I also have relatives in Bergen, and have been in Oslo myself.  I hope to do some sort of cruise someday, up to Andenes (on a little island above the arctic circle), where my maternal grandmother was born - hope I manage!  It's a gas to "go along with you" - thanks so much for all the pictures!  And your distinctly Anne narrative!

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