May 12, 2009

  • Okay, today the floor gets floated.

    Tomorrow it gets patched. 

    Kenny's in there painting up a storm, and I think it's going to be great! 

    Another new addition is - tah dah! - a kitten!  (Sorry, Beth and Matt, but I do like cats.)  Meet Magellan:

    Magellan is a darling little kitten, but hoo boy....he's turned into a pricey pet.  I noticed fleas on him so took him down to the vet (the one at PetsMart) and according to the vet, he's got a bad flea infestation, to the point he's anemic.  He also has an eye infection, the beginning of a common respiratory ailment, and a little bit ago the vet's office called to say the stool sample (guess who pooped and peed in his carrier?  the vet decided seeing as how Magellan provided a fecal sample, he might as well test it) showed the presence of a bunch of parasite eggs, meaning he has a parasite that tends to cause digestive and intestinal distress (he's not been eating, though he'll drink water).

    Nothing like a "free" kitten, huh? 

    And Zeus is, shall we say, less than happy about the presence of Magellan.  She's been growling and hissing at him all day.  Poor Zeus.  First Max the MegaDog invades her house, and now this

    Hopefully Zeus will accept him eventually. 

Comments (7)

  • Cute Kitty.

    You can add Faith to the list now too. She's allergic to our neighbors cat.

  • :birdie: That's one cute kitty, pity he's not a she, you could call "her" Maggie! :ROTFL:

  • I'm curious - how does someone float a floor?

  • Add ice cream?

    Fill it with helium?

  • Pour a thin coat of concrete on it to smooth out the uneven spots. Also called "leveling" a floor. ;^)

  • WHAT A DOLL!!! Congratulations! And as for the fleas, parasites and eyes, they're all par for the course over here. First things you do when you get a kitten is deworm, deflea and fix the eyes. You can enjoy a wonderful feeling of having made the poor little thing's life livable and fun.

    I'm anxiously waiting for a cat to deliver whatever she's got in her - she's a "teenage mother", very small to be pregnant, so I'm worried about both her and the kitten(s).

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