January 27, 2008

  • That WAS a good time!

    There's a comedy improv group called - for reasons which so far escape me - Curtis Needs a Ride, and it is comprised of four young men who attend Christ Chapel Bible Church, and are either in college now or are not long out of it.  The group regularly performs at Christ Chapel, it turns out (not in the sanctuary, mind, but at the student ministry building) and tonight Don, Dmitry, Dan and I went to check it out. It was great fun!

    Here's Austin and Steve, two members of the group:


    Sorry it's so red, but my cell phone camera tends to do that in low light situations.  Steve doesn't really have carrot-colored hair! 

    Here are Dmitry and Dan, with Flu (I've no idea why he's called that) in the background:


    One of the most amusing segments was at the end, when Steve was sent out and the audience asked to supply three target words; those wound up being "mopping", "Timbuktu", and "Rob Zombie."  The other three actors, as part of an "intervention", had to get him to guess those words without using them themselves. 

    I know what mopping is, and have heard of Timbuktu though I couldn't place it on a map, but Rob Zombie?  What - or who - the deuce is that?

    Wouldn't you know it?  Dmitry knew.  Upon hearing that neither his father nor myself had a clue as to who Rob Zombie is, he shrugged and noted that only those who live in America would be familiar with him (he's a musician and director, especially of horror films, according to Wikipedia).  "So," he asked genially, "how long have you folks been here?"

    [muttering] Smartypants.  Attend one comedy night and he's suddenly a comedian. 

Comments (2)

  • And yet more things I don't know!! Rob Zombie? I'm not even sure I want to know who or what he/it is. But still, who is he/it???

  • Some musician! The young people were familiar with him (including Dmitry).

    I'd never heard of him before.

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