January 18, 2008

  • Kids. You never know what they're going to enjoy, do you?

    OTOH they're fiercely protective of their dignity, yet OTOH they will wear a bunny-ear hat with enviable aplomb:


    Above is Dmitry, Carolyn (sporting the bunny-ears chapeau), and Ravinn at Borders this afternoon, prowling through the manga section.

    Later on I picked my bro-in-law, Richard, up from the doctor's office and drove him home.  On the way back, heading east on Vickery, I looked in my rear view mirror and was treated to a gorgeous, deep red sunset.  As I approached the Clover Lane intersection, a pair of reflective buildings downtown were bathed in the color of the sunset, making a startling tableau against the blue-gray cloudy background:


    Unfortunately all I had at my disposal was my cell phone, but maybe you can get the idea.  The above photo is a sad shadow of the reality, which was mesmerizing!

Comments (6)

  • If it's THEIR idea to wear the bunny hat, it's cool.

    If it's your idea to dress or act in what would ordinarily be considered some perfectly normal way, it's humiliating.

  • HA! Innit the truth? Had I handed her the bunny-ear hat, suggesting she wear it to the bookstore, she'd have doubtless have been horrified.

  • And why, o, why was she wearing bunny ears????? Why? Hmmmm??

  • Don't worry about the cellphone photo; your description, and the pink reflected also in the pavement, get the picture across famously!

    Where was Dan, at the bookstore outing?

  • No, Dan gave it a miss. He is, after all, a couple of years older than Dmitry, who in turn is a couple of years older than the girls.

    Dan has his dignity to consider.

    Catch him wearing a bunny-ear hat!

  • Yeah, and if you'd handed her some perfectly normal article of clothing she'd probably have looked askance as well. It by definition would be uncool. That 14-15 age group is a trip.

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