That's right, today is Mom's....aka: joanggol's....birthday, and Elaine, Jeanne, and I arranged a surprise luncheon for her and her friends (our sis-in-law, Mary, was out of town on a cruise until last weekend, and had a scheduling conflict so couldn't be with us, darn it). A few weeks the invitation went out:
Let's gather together for a matter most weighty:
It's hard to believe, but Mom's turning eighty!
Please keep this silent.
Please keep this mum.
Mom knows naught of it.
We need to play dumb!
At a quarter to twelve
She'll be escorted in,
To find us all waiting
Let the party begin!
Your gift is your presence.
She needs nothing more.
Though cards would be welcome
Those we know she'd adore.
We hope you can join us
For this festive event,
To honor our mother
(Well, that's our intent!).
The big day finally arrived and the stage was set:
The cast assembled itself:
The plan was for the guests to arrive around 11:30, with Elaine picking Mom up at home at 11:45 and bringing her to the club to have a birthday lunch with her daughters. I hovered at the window, finally calling "Okay, they just pulled up!"
No one paid much attention due to the chatter, so I repeated it a couple of times. "Oh...she's HERE?" Right.
Now, Vincent - one of the fabulous staff members up there - had suggested we shut the two doors that most people enter by, instead having guests come in by the set over to the right. The plan was to have the closed doors flung open as Mom approached, so we could yell "Surprise!" and me take photos.
That was
our plan.
Mom's plan was to let curiosity get the best of her - after all, those doors are almost
never shut! - and dart over to the open doors on the right to see what was in there, with Elaine trying to come up with a good reason why she shouldn't, and unable to think of anything before Mom entered the room.
My goodness, we were
all surprised! Mom to see her friends assembled, and her friends to see her suddenly come in the wrong door, as we'd all been facing the others. It was really quite funny.
Above is Mom realizing what's going on, with Elaine and Jeanne. Here she is next to the birthday cake:
And here's Mom with her friends, gathered to honor her on her 80th birthday:
Personally, I think those women deserve a round of applause for having sat on the surprise for three solid weeks, in spite of seeing Mom at bridge, etc. in the interim.
Happy birthday, Mom! We love you!
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