August 22, 2005

  • Charles is now in residence at Texas Tech’s Weymouth Hall, Don and I
    having driven to Lubbock late Saturday, and Charles following yesterday

    We didn’t want to do a to-and-from in one day, and he had a concert to
    attend with friends on Saturday night, so drove up yesterday morning.

    The official entrance to Texas Tech, which is also the alma mater of my
    sister, Elaine, as well as where my brother, Louis, earned his law

    The Red Raider football stadium.  Don says they’re finally getting some national recognition.

    A sneak peek with my camera phone at Charles waiting for the elevator
    so as to take some stuff up to his ninth floor dorm room.  It took
    a looong time to try to get the stuff from the van to the room, seeing
    as how each student was permitted only thirty minutes in the close-in
    parking for this task, and most of them – like Charles – had TV’s,
    microwaves, refrigerators, and computers in addition to bedding and
    clothing, and there was only one elevator working, so the lines tended
    to be lengthy and the wait interminable.

    Why some enterprising student organization such as a fraternity doesn’t
    arrange to shuttle an incoming student’s goods from car to room for a
    reasonable fee, beats me.  Our definition of “reasonable” would
    have been generous yesterday, believe me.  They’re leaving serious
    money on the table.  Don and I worked it out on the drive home . .
    . they’d get access to the dorm rooms either before or after (or maybe
    both) the “public” access, reservations would be made in advance,
    they’d have flatbeds such as department stores use, and would meet the
    student and his family in the close-in parking lot, then unload the
    stuff in the car(s) onto the flatbed and haul it up to the room and
    unload it.

    I’d have paid from fifty to a hundred bucks for such service.

    Charles felt I’d used up my photo opportunities on Friday evening at
    his send-off party, so I don’t have any decent pictures of him, drat
    it.  Most depressing, but not unexpected.  He met up with a
    friend he made at the New Student Orientation three weeks ago, Bobby,
    and this is them getting into Charles’ car so they could go get him his
    parking permit….unfortunately Charles’ leg is all that’s visible:

    Bobby seemed quite nice, BTW.  It was a trifle dampening having
    him present as we made our farewells to our son, but that’s life.

    BTW, Dmitry was informed last night that I’ve come up with a new “life
    plan” for him……he’s to stay at home and be a support and comfort to
    his mama, and not to go traipsing off to outlandish places like

Comments (3)

  • Did you cry?  I did when we dropped each of our sons off at college.  The brats themselves were so excited and enthusiastic about going to college that they never did cling to my leg and ask to be taken home again.   That’s what we got for raising self-reliant kids.   I wouldn’t make that mistake again.  :)

    Or – is this not Charles’ first year?  It’s not like I can remember anything.

  • Bawled.

    And yes, this is his first year. =8^o

  • He’ll be homesick. He’ll just never tell you for 10 or 12 years, and then you’ll hear about it when he’s reminiscing in a crowd. I’ve learned lots of stuff about J that way. Just keep my mouth shut and let them talk and wow, am I ever surprised!



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