February 20, 2005

  • Mercy Maud, that was disappointing. 

    I am referring to the much-anticipated (by me) Saturday Night Live
    retrospective, so to speak.  The first five years!  Steve
    Martin and Dan Ackroyd as those Wild and Crazy Guys.  John Belushi
    as Samuri Butcher.  Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford.  

    The good stuff.

    Instead it was them talking about themselves, and how they felt, and what they thought, blah blah blah.

    Why on earth do they think anyone gives two hoots about that, for crying out loud?  We wanted to again see the vignettes we fondly remember.

    Guess not. 

Comments (3)

  • I think I had a pretty good idea that it was going to be a backstage history type of show.  My main problem with it was that it was too busy and fast for even ME to follow, and I’m part of the original MTV generation.

    They showed dozens of photographs that were literally onscreen for perhaps one second at a time at most.  They played jarring music under the entire program–the interviews and everything.  It seemed like it was enough to make an ADD person say “Hey, slow it down a little bit, fellas!”

  • What I wonder is why none of the people responsible for designing last night’s show ever took the trouble to ask themselves, “Will the viewer be wanting to hear us talk about the show’s first five years, or see clips from then?”

    Surely they couldn’t ask themselves that then respond, “Oh, John Q. Public would much rather hear us natter on about how avante garde we were, instead of being shown the most popular episodes, which were why people watched SNL in the first place.”

    And what was up with the focus on the music groups?  I, for one, considered that the weakest part of the show when it originally aired . . . sure as check don’t have any interest in strolling down that particular memory lane. 

    It’d be interesting to read what the difference was between the number of viewers when last night’s show started and when it ended.  Bet they lost a minimum of half their audience.

  • I loved SNL….Land sharks, Cone heads, Emily Latilla, RosanneRosannaDanna….the list goes on and on. I didn’t watch it last night….sounds like I didn’t miss much.

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