January 24, 2008

  • That is simply sad.

    Don and I have “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” on, and darned if they don’t have – in addition to the requisite fifth graders – a complement of Dallas Cowboys’ cheerleaders. 

    Those women are dumb.  Seriously.  Seriously dumb.   e-rolleyes2

    Besides messing up “is a spider an insect?” (no, as a matter of fact, it’s not….I knew that), the entire group of cheerleaders bombed on this question:

    “What is the singular of ‘lice’?”

    Each of the fifth graders got it right.  The male contestant and every single, solitary cheerleader got it wrong. 

    The contestant just used his “copy” for the question “What is 0° C. measured in Farenheit?”  He was pretty sure it was 32°, but not sure enough to answer by himself.   e-surrender
    To be fair, however, at least one of the cheerleaders knew that macrame is not macaroni glued to cardboard.  The contestant suspected macrame is macaroni jewelry, but fortunately he chose to go with his cheerleader partner’s answer. 

Comments (10)

  • He was dumb as dirt.  We just watched it and all I have to say is……….. he is a louse.  Hahaha

  • HA!

    And that woman is presumably still going to marry him, can you imagine? =8^o

    Were I her, I’d wait for Nathan to grow up.

  • Ever since the Kellie Pickler thing, I’m starting to wonder if the celebrities aren’t scripted. I mean sure, someone COULD be that dumb — but do you actually think Kellie Pickler doesn’t have enough experience with international contracts and the like to know that Europe is not a country and France is?

    I guess it’s possible, but I’m suspicious.

    OTOH, it doesn’t surprise me that people don’t know the singular of lice. That’s the kind of think you know if you’re 1) literate and 2) believe that at least some of what you hear and read is worth caring about and remembering. Lots of people just aren’t both of those things, these days. I’d think that people who make their living off of displaying their flesh in a provocative manner would be among the most likely to lack either trait.

  • Who on earth is Kellie Pickler? Obviously I missed that episode.

    And you could be right about the whys and wherefores regarding people’s not knowing the word “louse”, except all the fifth graders knew it.

    To be fair, I bombed on how many states are north of the Tropic of Cancer. Thought it was fifty, but Hawaii is farther south than I’d assumed it was.

    OTOH, I got “which state’s name is one syllable?” within a couple of seconds.

  • Hmm…I thought you’d seen this and we’d discussed it somewhere online.


    Kellie Pickler is a rising country music singer. She’s just beginning to get big.

  • She’s a former American Idol finalist, too.

  • Ummmm, OK, and just which state is one syllable? Durned if I can remember but I’m nearly 80 so what can you expect. Sigh. Mom

  • So I take it the singular of lice isn’t li?

  • BION, no, it’s not. :pD

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