October 27, 2006

  • I consider myself tagged by Fortworthguy.  

    1) Grab the nearest book.

    2) Open the book to page 123.

    3) Find the fifth sentence.

    4) Post the text of the next four sentences on your blog along with these instructions.

    5) Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet. Just pick up whatever is closest.

    6) Tag five people.

    "All right, Tess," he said conversationally when he'd finally gotten it lit, "search."  And off she went, trotting diagonally toward the southern end of the cove.  She hadn't gone more than twenty yards before she came to an abrupt stop.  Her nose, which had been an inch or so off the sand, now went right down to it.

    From "Unnatural Selection" by Aaron Elkins.

    Y'all's turn, if you've a mind to!  Either in the comments here or on your own blog. 

Comments (15)

  • I should have known! She is like an iron butterfly. I have marveled at her wisdom and joy through these difficult times. I have seen her vulnerable and under the kind of strain that only a single parent can understand, and I have blessed her.

    From "Sidetracked Home Executives" by Pam Young and Peggy Jones

  • Thus, in American colonial Presbyterianism (as in New England Congregational compacts), power flowed "from the bottom up" rather than from the "top down".  This concept of power flowing upwards rather than downwards was to have immense influence in the development of the American mind, both in its religious and civil aspects.
         The idea of the colonial charter, which grants power (from London) and the Puritan congregationalist civil covenant (allowed by the original charter), by which the people specify how they are to be ruled and thus grant power to their own officials, are combine in the colonial constitutional traditional of the Eastern Atlantic Seaboard which Lutz terms "an American hybrid":
    ...the constitutional tradition ...
    O forget it!  This is the book that was on my computer desk..."The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World; The influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th through the 18th Centuries" by Douglas Kelly
    It really is a good book, I recommend it for those who are about to teach their kids American History.
    P.S., It is ineresting to think that most Presbyterian denoms are now very top-heavy and power no longer flows up from the bottom.

  • I love Sidetracked Home Executives! That book along with "Confessions of an Organized Homemaker" saved me years ago!

  • *I* should have known you two would be reading worthy, useful nonfiction whilst I'm slurping up murder mysteries.

  • "Reading?" No, it sits amid the mess by my computer so that I can occasionally pull it out as a way to remember things to add to my PDA reminders. I use my PDA's repeating appointments as a substitute for the SHE card files.

  • But ask yourself, if you could increase sales 10 percent by doing something as simple as wearing a blue suit, would you do it?  Would you make it important?  The answer is obvious as the question is ridiculous.  Of course you would!

    And it is the obvious that must be addressed by Quantification at the outset of the Business Development Process.

    The E-Myth Revisited  by Michael E. Gerber

  • What is it?
    Do you think we should thank the people?
    The people?
    The people who gave us all this.

    "The Road," by Cormac McCarthy

    (I'm with Anne - nearest book was fiction, a book Jason just gave me and asked me to read. The next nearest though would have been my bible and a bunch of theology books on the shelf next to the bed, some of which I've actually begun reading.)


  • I love it that PB's reading a business-success book written in the Neo-Northern Gobbledygook dialect. "Quantification at the outset of the business development process?" ROFL!

  • I was lost after "blue suit."

  • "Place in buttered 1 1/2-quart casserole.  Top with reserved crumbs, and cheese.  Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  Serves 4 to 6."

    From my Putting on the Grits cookbook.  That, by the way, was the tail end of how to make "Nanny's Guinea Squash Pie."

  • EL SENOR GALVEZ: Si, soy yo. ( Yes, that's me)

    EL REPORTERO: Soy Manuel Caro, reportero para la revist Los deportes internacionales. (I am Manuel Caro, a sports magazine reporter)

    EL SENOR GALVEZ: Quiere una entrevista? (Are you doing an interview?)

    EL REPORTERO:  Exacto. (Exactly)

    (I am the only non-Spanish speaking person at my job, I am trying to learn.)

  • Anne, I sure hope Tess is a dog!    8 ^ )

  • LOL!!! Tess is, indeed, a dog.

  • "That's how it's done in his family-that way the monogrammed towels can be passed down from one generation to the next.
    Other parents invest endless hours determining an appropriate name for their offspring.
    We took the first two letters of my father-in-law's name, the first 3 letters of my mom's name, added an extra n and finally came up with a name we agreed upon.
    The baby is due next week. We've narrowed it down to 42 girl names and 15 boy names."
    (Diapers, Pacifiers, and other Holy things, by Lorraine Pintus)

  • "To create a newsletter or brochure, you may want to display text in two or more columns to give it a professional look."-- Office 2003 for Dummies.

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