February 1, 2005

  • Really, sometimes my father has the best ideas.

    Case in point:

    This is a handy chart with most (my shortlived stint as a business owner and Kirstin and Alex's college graduations were omitted, I'm sure inadvertently) key family events on it, beginning with 1947, when he and Mom met (in June, at River Crest Country Club), up to the present (last entry - Jill's pregnancy).

    It's laminated! 

    Along with this came a spiral bound book, handwritten, with details from every year from 1960 on. 

    Betcha didn't know 1960 we had a white Christmas tree.  Or that on January 1, 1970, Dad, Mom, Louis, Don and I all attended the Cotton Bowl, where the Texas Longhorns beat Notre Dame.  Or that 1986 was the year Dad and Don completed the most fabulous, well-constructed tool house ever built. 

    For years Dad has made notes of every milestone and event in his family, large and small, and it's such a treat to be able to thumb through the years, exclaiming over this or that forgotten occurance.

    I daresay it's never too late to start making such notes. 

    Thanks for the cool memorabilia, Dad.  ;^)

Comments (2)

  • What a wonderful thing to have!! I have my dad's work records. He kept track of every electrical job he had after he became an electrician (at the age of 24 in 1958) until he became ill in 1996 (he died October 17, 1998). He kept a small binder and kept track of every job, how much he paid for SDI, FICA and Inc Tax. He kept track of vacation pay and union dues, hours worked for each job etc etc. When he became ill the union didn't want to pay him benefits and out came his little record book proving that he did indeed have enough hours. In other aspects of his life he didn't keep such meticulous records and I'm positively drooling over your dad's laminated family records!!

  • That thing is fantastic!

    I only wish my own records were good enough to do such a thing!


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